“From the Archives”
featuring works from the CGT collection by
Allan Balisi / Dina Gadia / Manabu Koga / MADSAKI / Joji Nakamura / Masanao Hirayama / Wataru Komachi / Yasumasa Yonehara
February 8th - March 1st, 2019
この度、CLEAR GALLERY TOKYOでは”From the Archives”展を開催いたします。日本では未発表の作品含め、これまで一緒にコラボレートしてきた作家の作品をあらてめて展示いたします。CLEAR GALLERY TOKYOのセンシビリティーや道のりを体感いただきたく、この機会にぜひご高覧いただけましたら幸いです。
Revisiting our past collaborations with a wide range of artists, “From the Archives" will feature many works that have yet to be exhibited in Japan. We hope that this will serve as an opportunity to dive into our sensibilities, idiosyncrasies, and (sometimes meandering) vision.