by Joji Nakamura
19 November - 13 December 2014
CLEAR EDITION & GALLERYでは2014年を締めくくる展示として、中村穣二の個展を開催いたします。
けれどそれはネガティヴなものではありません。その「過去」はその前に立ち止まり鑑賞してくれるであろう人と向き合える「未来」になりうるからです。作品が人との間に疑問や違和感または共感など、何らかの接点と関係性を生み出す事が出来たならと思います。 そんな事を思いながら描き、そして好きな単語二つをタイトルとしました。
「幸運」 「昨日」』
We are happy to announce solo exhibition by Joji Nakamura as our last show in our Roppongi gallery for the year 2014.
Nakamura continuously produces massive amounts of daily sketches, where he depicts a certain "form" with simple lines.In contrast his paintings which derive from his sketches are done with full momentum. The “form” which Nakamura gives birth to is only the beginning of a dialogue between the artist and his viewers. The hieroglyphic like images and "symbols" of Nakamura is the start of an exploration of “form”, while stirring our primordial recognitions shapes and thoughts.
When I finish a painting, it becomes something in the past for me.
But not with a negative meaning, because this “past” of mine can become a “future” of someone who stands in front and views the piece.
Through my works I wish to create a meeting point of sympathies, questions, ease and discomfort.
While creating works with such thoughts, I decided to give a title with two of my favorite words.
- Joji Nakamura