片岡純也+岩竹理恵 Junya Kataoka+Rie Iwatake
振動する輪郭 Vibrating contours
2 - 24 December 2022
この度CLEAR GALLERY TOKYOでは、片岡純也+岩竹理恵による個展「振動する輪郭」を開催いたします。
The contours of phenomena are vague and provisional and shift when we try to capture them.
We are interested in that state of being without a place.
CLEAR GALLERY TOKYO is pleased to present 'Vibrating Contours', a solo exhibition by Junya Kataoka + Rie Iwatake.
Junya Kataoka + Rie Iwatake formed as an artist duo during a residency in Paris in 2013.
Kataoka creates kinetic works using simple techniques such as rotation, centrifugal force and gravity on everyday items such as light bulbs, cellophane tape and found trees.
Iwatake reconstructs fragments of various images, such as old medical books, used postage stamps and tickets, and photographs taken by herself and she creates her works using collage, photography, prints and, in recent years, painting techniques.
Kataoka and Iwatake create and present their work as individual works, but in their installation together, the physical motion of Kataoka's work and the sound of his work are repeated back and forth between the visitor and Iwatake's work, which is connected with multi-layered images, forming a humorous space in which their works respond to and sometimes synchronise with each other.
Phenomena extracted from everyday scenes with a detailed eye (a bird's eye view and a micro perspective) are turned into work with new relationships by the artists' imaginations.
In this exhibition, we will show their previous works together with their new works.
片岡純也+岩竹理恵 Junya Kataoka and Rie Iwatake
2005 武蔵野美術大学デザイン情報学科卒業
2010 筑波大学大学院博士前期課程芸術専攻修了
2006 金沢美術工芸大学美術工芸学部工芸科卒業
2010 筑波大学大学院博士前期課程芸術専攻修了
2020 「物象詩-表出する内圧」Kana Kawanishi Gallery 、東京
2019 「大理石の上での電球と送風機の必然の回転のように」Kana Kawanishi Gallery、東京
2019 「二つの心臓の大きな川」アーツ千代田 3331、東京
2017 「Under35 片岡純也+岩竹理恵」BankART Studio NYK、横浜
2016 「潛藏的星座」寶藏巖、台北、台湾
2012 「Somrak」Galerija Kapelica、リュブリャナ、スロベニア(片岡)
2022 「瀬戸内国際芸術祭2022」宇野、岡山
2021 「食と現代美術vol.8 アートと食と街」BankART Station、BankART KAIKO、横浜
2020 「MOTアニュアル2020 透明な力たち」東京都現代美術館、東京
2020 「変容のありか 流れる時間の捉え方」藤沢市アートスペース、神奈川
2019 「心ある 機械たち again」 BankART Station、横浜(片岡)
2019 「OSTRALE Biennale 2019」ドレスデン、ドイツ
2019 「Out of Bounds」Bloc Projects、シェフィールド、イギリス(岩竹)
2019 「Trans_2018-2019」秋吉台国際芸術村、山口
2018 「めがねと旅する美術展 東京飛地展示」カマタソーコ、東京
2018 「六本木アートナイト2018」六本木ヒルズ ウエストウォーク2階、東京(片岡)
2017 「Daily "Truth"」Luxelakes A4 Art Museum、成都・中国
2017 「BankART LifeV 観光」BankART Studio NYK、横浜(片岡)
2017 「PyeongChang Biennale 2017」江陵、韓国
2017 「22nd ifva Festival」香港アートセンター、香港(片岡)
2011 「Ars Electronica Campus Exhibition 2011」リンツ美術大学、オーストリア(片岡)
2019 秋吉台国際芸術村、美祢、山口
2017 麓湖·A4美術館 、成都、中国 2016-17 台北國際藝術村、台北、台湾
2016 BankART Studio NYK 、横浜、神奈川 2015-16 黄金町アーティストインレジデンス、横浜、神奈川
2014 Old School House Residency in Hrísey、リーセイ島、アイスランド
2013-14 Cité Internationale des Arts 、パリ、フランス
2022 NHK Eテレ『2355』1 minute galleryにて作品映像が放送中
2014 Maureen Freely著「Angry in Piraeus」Sylph Editionsにて挿画(岩竹)
Lives and works in Kanagawa, Japan.
Combining kinetic and two-dimensional works in a spatial composition that creates a narrative in the encounter of materials and designs, and in which the subject matter of each work is gently echoed.
Junya Kataoka (b.1982)
2005 B.A. Department of Design Informatics, Musashino Art University, Tokyo, Japan
2010 M.A. Plastic Art and Mixed Media, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
Rie Iwatake (b.1982)
2006 B.A. Textiles, Department of Craft, Kanazawa College of Art, Ishikawa, Japan
2010 M.A. Art and Design Science, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
Solo Exhibitions
2020 Reification Poem — Exposed Internal Pressure, Kana Kawanishi Gallery, Tokyo
2019 As the inevitable spin of a light bulb and a fan on a marble slab, Kana Kawanishi Gallery, Tokyo
2019 Big Two- Hearted River, 3331 Arts Chiyoda, 1F 3331 Galley, Tokyo
2017 Under35 Junya Kataoka+Rie Iwatake, BankART studio NYK, Yokohama
2016 Latent Constellation, Treasure Hill, Taipei, Taiwan
2012 Somrak, Kapelica Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia (Junya Kataoka) Selected
Group Exhibitions
2022 Setouchi Triennale 2022, Uno, Okayama
2021 Food and Contemporary Art Vol.8 “Art and Food and the City", BankART KAIKO, Kanagawa
2020 MOT Annual 2020 Invisible Powers, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo
2020 Metamorphosis, Perceptions of the Passage of Time, Fujisawa City Art Space, Kanagawa
2019 Machines with a Heart again, BankART Station, Yokohama (Junya Kataoka)
2019 OSTRALE Biennale 2019, Dresden, Germany
2019 Trans_2018-2019, Akiyoshidai International Art Village, Yamaguchi
2019 Out of Bounds, Bloc Projects, Sheffield, U.K.(Rie Iwatake)
2018 Art and Glasses Road Show at Kamata_Soko, Tokyo
2018 ROPPONGI ART NIGHT 2018, Roppongi Hills West Walk 2F/Tokyo (Junya Kataoka)
2017 Daily "Truth", Luxelakes A4 Art Museum, Chengdu, China
2017 BankART Life Ⅴ, BankART Studio NYK, Yokohama (Junya Kataoka)
2017 PyeongChang Biennale 2017, Gangneung, South Korea
2017 22nd ifva Festival, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong (Junya Kataoka)
2011 Ars Electronica Campus Exhibition, Kunstuniversität Linz, Austria (Junya Kataoka)
Artist in Residence Programs
2019 Akiyoshidai International Art Village, Yamaguchi, Japan
2017 Luxelakes A4 Art Museum, Chengdu, China
2016 The Pier-2 Art Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2016-17 Taipei Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 BankART Studio NYK, Yokohama, Japan
2015-16 Koganecho AIR, Yokohama, Japan
2014 Old School House Residency in Hrísey, Island Hrísey, Iceland
2013-14 Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France