“In Between”

6 July - 28 July 2012


この度CLEAR EDITION & GALLERYではMADSAKIの2年半ぶりの個展『In Between』を開催いたし ます。弊廊にて2009年に開催した『ALL I DREAM ABOUT IS SUNSEX / PAINTING』以来の個展とな る今回は、前回から大きく変貌した新しいシリーズを発表いたします。

MADSAKIの独特な感覚は彼自身が体感した様々なカルチャーが元になっています。NYのParsonsで美 術教育を受けた後、一時期創作から離れバイシクル・メッセンジャーとして働いた彼は、David Ellisに誘 われBarstormersの一員として本格的な作家活動を再開します。色鮮やかな色彩から刺々しいもの、具 象的なものから抽象的な作風まで、ここ数年急激に進化と変化をしつつも、作風は彼自身の性格が色濃く 反映されたものになっています。

「不協和音」をテーマに描いた新シリーズの有機的に「動いている」色や形は、キャンバス上の秩序だっ た黒い格子から溢れ出し自由に突き進んでいきます。先のSUNSEXシリーズでは徹底的に「人」の痕跡 を排除するかのような技法で「文様」的な作品を描いてきましたが、しばらく絵を描くことから離れていた MADSAKIが満を持して取り組んだこの新シリーズはその真逆であり、作家として描くことの原点に戻り ながら自身に課していた制作上の秩序から解放された筆の痕跡が、全面に出ています。

この2年の内に様々な心境や環境の変化を素直に反映させたと語る作家が描き出す情景は「絵を描く」と いう彼の根本を問い直し、確かめる作業にも思えます。 タイトルにもなっている言葉「In Between(間)」にあるものは、音楽を含め幅広い活動をしているMAD- SAKIを「絵を描く」ことに常に引き戻し、つなぎ止める初期衝動であることに違いありません。

CLEAR EDITION & GALLERY is proud to announce MADSAKI’s solo exhibition “In Between“. From his last solo (painting) exhibition which took place in our former place in 2009 (entitled “ALL I DREAM ABOUT IS SUNSEX / PAINTING“ ),  his new series of paintings awaiting to be launched in “In Between“ have been through dramatic but necessary changes.

The distinct expression of MADSAKI was nourished through the various cultures he has been involved in or even created. After graduating from Parsons (NY) and earning a BFA in Fine arts, he took a step away from the art world working as a Bicycle Messenger rushing through the busy streets of NY. His encounter with David Ellis, and joining the Barnstormers marked a re-start in his professional career as an artist. From sharp abstract paintings  to monotone and linear, his works have been changing and evolving time to time.

MADSAKI’s interpretation of his new keyword “dissonance”  resulted in a completely new usage of curves and colors never seen previously. Despite of his previous “SUNSEX” series where his intention was to erase his brush strokes to create compositions of symbolic forms in a monotone and linear manner, his new venture turns out to be completely the opposite. Full with his newfound enjoyment towards paintings, the works that will be shown in “In Between“ will also be an expression of exploding freedom from the rules he imposed himself in his previous works.

As MADSAKI explains, the change in his style and the “scene” which he portrays through his new works come straight from the influence of various changes in life,  along with a procedure of reaffirming the meaning of painting within himself.

What lies “In Between” him and his works, is the true passion and the power which “art” beholds,  pulling him back to this unavoidable industry where dissonance and harmony coexist. This time enjoying it with an attitude never like before.
