by Manabu Koga | 古賀 学

May 17 - June 15 2019





「cube」は水中ポートレート写真家、メディアアーティスト古賀 学の集大成であり、未来写真を模索する冒険の出発点です。

A still image of a female diver in a transparent cube: Koga’s works in his “cube” series are Photoshop constructions of multiple modeling photos, born out of the artist’s natural-born creative instincts. 
These works begin first with underwater camerawork. Once selected, the images are cut and collaged to precision with an art knife (as if assembled with tweezers). The refractive, reflective properties of the cubic form is crafted through this detailed process of accumulation and layering.

Rooted in popular traditional notions of drawing and composition, the pictorialists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries would elevate what was then the burgeoning new technology of film photography into an art form, coining the term “straight photography” (or “pure photography”).  In recent decades, with the rise of smartphones and digital photography, the concept of the “photographic image” is again undergoing rapid change. We may go so far as to say that photography of the near future will be a fusion of man and technology, and its first step a breakdown in traditional delineations between film photography and digital imaging. 

“cube” is a culmination of Manabu Koga’s practice as both an underwater portrait photographer and media artist, and a new starting point in exploring the future of photography. 


all following photo credit to: Kengo Osaka

koga manabu installation view 1.JPG
koga manabu installation view 3.JPG

Roppongi Art Night Announcement Text

  • Announcement: Live Photoshop Performance by Manabu Koga for Roppongi Art Night

    5月25日(土)は 六本木アートナイトに合わせて夜22時まで営業。ギャラリーにMacを設置しフォトショップによるアッセンブル(組み立て)作業を作家古賀学が公開。

    Manabu Koga will perform a "live photoshop" creation of his works until 10pm during Roppongi Art Night 2019. Koga's performance will start at roughly 7pm and end at 10pm.