Miyuki Inagaki 稲垣美侑
ほとりと羽ばたき | Shorelines, Fluttering
06 September - 09 November 2019
Opening Reception : 06 September, 7:00-9:30 pm
鳥羽港から北東へ凡そ 14km、水平線に浮かぶ島「神島」。
蝶は南から北へ、北から南へと一年かけて 2000km に近い旅をするのだという。
土地の声に呼ばれるように、失われていく風景の輪郭に触れるため、暮らしの欠けらを拾い集めながら幾度となく同 じ土地を訪ね歩く。かつて彼らが見たものなのか、いま私が見ているものなのか。瞬くまに過ぎ去っていく日々のと るに足らない出来事が、断片的な姿となっていつまでも脳裏に焼きついている。そのとき対象に向けられていた眼差 しは、はたして何を捉えていたのだろうか。画布の前に佇むとき、いつもその色の奥に潜むものたちに触れたいと願う。
キャンバスの内側へ、或いは外側や隣り合う空間を往復するように、その間に生じる掴みがたい風景の輪郭を探るこ とを試みている。
"Kamishima is an isle floating in the horizon roughly 14km northeast of Toba, Mie Prefecture.
Light spills between the trees that line these untrodden paths, leaving only the softness the of the soil
The sky's endless blue expanse spreads before me as I look up, the scent of the tide occasionally wandering up my nostrilsIn the coming days, wings shake and flick patterns of pale blue light across the land, as if roused by the sea breezeOver the course of a year, the butterfly travels almost 2000km from south to north and back again What kind of scenes and landscapes did they encounter in flight across such vast distances?
Resting their wings on a windowsill, perhaps there were days when they would stop to listen to the islanders' voices. While a whistle sounds in the distance but the land is blanketed in silence.
Summoned by the call of the land to feel the forms of a lost landscape, I would repeatedly return to this place, slowly collecting fragments of the inhabitants' lives. Do I see what they once saw, or am I only perceiving what remains in front of me? Banalities that pass in the blink of an eye are burned into my mind as fragmentary figures. In this moment, what is such a gaze upon the subject truly capable of grasping? Whenever I face the canvas, I am always trying to make contact with that which lurks behind the colors in front of me.
Moving in and out of the canvas, of spaces, I attempt to find the contours of the landscape: waves of sound and conversation, swaying trees, lost homes, shining windows.
And when the wings return to glide upon the ocean's banks, Kamishima enters a new season once more."
- Miyuki Inagaki
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