この度CLEAR GALLERY TOKYOは、林菜穂による「室内/Room ver.2」と、岡野智史による「室内/Room ver.2」を、ギャラリーのメインスペースと、ビューイングスペースにて開催いたします。本展はART FAIR TOKYO 2024にて、林と岡野の二人展として室内をテーマに制作した作品数点を軸として、旧作・新作を追加し再構成した展示となります。
CLEAR GALLERY TOKYO is delighted to announce two exhibitions, "Room ver.2" by Nao Hayashi and "Room ver.2" by Satoshi Okano.
For this exhibition, Hayashi and Okano present a reconstructed version of their duo exhibition at ART FAIR TOKYO 2024, featuring several works created on the theme of the room, as well as additional older and newer works.
Hayashi consciously selects materials that are related to the imagery portraying personal scenes encountered in her daily life. She says that by using her own paints made from pigments from plants that grow wild in her garden, and by selecting materials that are closely related to her life, she connects living and painting. The repetitive motifs, the partially painted details, and the blank spaces in the background all contribute to a greater sense of reality in the painting space and bring the artist's point of view into view.
On the other hand, Okano aims to create paintings where the canvas itself appears to emit light, utilizing the two-dimensional nature of painting while presenting the materiality of the painting's support. The motifs of the artwork are extracted from scenes of old TV cartoons or vintage magazines, and more recently, generated through collaboration with AI.
By maintaining a certain distance from the artist's personal thoughts and intentions, the focus is on an experimental exploration of how to depict the subjects.
The reality glimpsed in the time and imagery contained within the paintings, and the reality that intersects between the viewer and the paintings themselves when confronted.
We hope that you will take this opportunity to view the "Room" paintings of Hayashi and Okano.
林 菜穂 Nao Hayashi
例えば牛乳からカゼインを抽出し下地材に使用したり、植物を煮出して顔料にして絵具にしたりして絵画に使用する。身の回りのもの、自分に深く関わりがあるものを材料に選ぶことで、生きることと絵を描くことをつなぎ、更に深めようとしている。 林菜穂
1992 千葉県出身
2018 東京藝術大学絵画科油画専攻 卒業
2020 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科修士課程絵画専攻油画技法・材料研究領域修了
<Solo Exhibitions>
2022 「すばらしい日々」RISE GALLERY 第2展示室showroom、東京
2021 「フタログリーンブルーシェード・フタロブルーグリーンシェード」TURNER GALLERY 1,3,4階、東京
2020 「2巡目の豆苗」リストデベロップメント株式会社、東京
2017 「TWS-Emerging 2017【第3期】『見ている人を見ている人」現トーキョーアーツアンドスペース、東京
<Group exhibitions>
2022 「KAWAKYU ART Exhibition 2022」川久ミュージアム(ホテル川久)、和歌山県
2021 「ストレンジャーによろしく」金沢アートグミほか金沢市内13か所、石川県
2019 ターナーアワード2019 大賞
2018 サロン・ド・プランタン賞
2016 トーキョーワンダーウォール審査員賞(丸山直文)
Born in Chiba in 1992, Japan.
Majored in Oil Painting at Musashino Art University.
Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Tokyo University of the Arts in 2018.
Completed the Master's Program in the Department of Fine Arts, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts, specializing in Oil Painting Technique and Material department in 2020.
When I draw, I consciously choose the materials needed for the painting.
I engage with materials closely connected to my life, such as boiling down plants to create pigments for painting.
By selecting materials based on the necessities of "living," I aim to bridge the gap between the act of living and creating art. While contemplating daily existence, I ponder aspects of non-human life, including animals and plants, which are either minimally or excessively taken or stolen by humans, all while expressing these thoughts through my artwork.
Rather than drawing unconsciously, I make a conscious effort to relearn classical techniques and actively choose my materials. For instance, I extract casein from milk for use as a ground material or create pigments from boiled-down plants to incorporate into my paintings. By selecting materials from my immediate surroundings and those deeply connected to my own life, I strive to deepen the connection between living and creating art. Nao Yahashi