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W a t a r u K o m a c h i
Visual Artist
Born in Tokyo
Tokyo & Kyoto-based Wataru Komachi takes inspiration from the graffiti and Zen Gardens.
Wataru Komachi’s art is influenced by Robert Raushenberg, Andy Warhol and 1977’s Punk Rock Movement such as The Ramones, D.I.Y Punk Band Flyers.
Wataru Started Band in schooldays. basically playing Punkrock music
And Maked energetically Own Band Flyer’s. *Wataru’s Father is professional Music Composer and his Brother Is famous Punkrock band member.
Wataru has received offers from film distributing agency for Movie Film
( Last Movie / Directed by Dennis Hopper )
Japanese Edition Brochure’s Back Cover Collage.
It Was the First Commision Work.
The Back Cover Collage were collected By Mr.Dennis Hopper
Held Was Collaboration With France’s Aparel Brand( Christophe Lemaire )
And Participated the Exhibition at Paris Shop ( Colette ) , The Paris Venerable Department Store
( Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche ) etc.
And US Musician ( Beck ) European Tour T-shirt Designed.
The Works is Wide Range of Expression are Very Topicality and Wit, at The World Level Has Earned High Praise.
W a t a r u K o m a c h i
Visual Artist
Born in Tokyo
Tokyo & Kyoto-based Wataru Komachi takes inspiration from the graffiti and Zen Gardens.
Wataru Komachi’s art is influenced by Robert Raushenberg, Andy Warhol and 1977’s Punk Rock Movement such as The Ramones, D.I.Y Punk Band Flyers.
Wataru Started Band in schooldays. basically playing Punkrock music
And Maked energetically Own Band Flyer’s. *Wataru’s Father is professional Music Composer and his Brother Is famous Punkrock band member.
Wataru has received offers from film distributing agency for Movie Film
( Last Movie / Directed by Dennis Hopper )
Japanese Edition Brochure’s Back Cover Collage.
It Was the First Commision Work.
The Back Cover Collage were collected By Mr.Dennis Hopper
Held Was Collaboration With France’s Aparel Brand( Christophe Lemaire )
And Participated the Exhibition at Paris Shop ( Colette ) , The Paris Venerable Department Store
( Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche ) etc.
And US Musician ( Beck ) European Tour T-shirt Designed.
The Works is Wide Range of Expression are Very Topicality and Wit, at The World Level Has Earned High Praise.