Yuki Hasegawa

“Vanishing Fragment”

June 21 - July 13, 2019

Vanishing Fragments (2019), oil on canvas, 130 x 162 cm







はが みちこ (アート・メディエーター)

Statement by Michiko Haga

Since her days as an art student at Kyoto City University of the Arts, Yuki Hasegawa’s drawings have focused on depictions of plantlife. She has conducted fieldwork on nature and faith in various locales, and has been especially influenced by her time in Nirakanai in Okinawa. 

Her botanical oil paintings are, in a Caravaggioesque style, refined, realistic representations of light and shadow, yet also depict a means for making contact with the sacred. To see the unseeable or touch the untouchable, Hasegawa wagers on the power of vision and illusion to overcome the limitations of her chosen medium. Like a stage or a set piece, her paintings invite both the artist and audience to a particular “place.” Hasegawa’s journey thus far atop this “stage” has been an attempt through both sight and the brushstroke to gradually uncover the subject. 

The lights and shadows of the brush in the thick of the forest are, upon first view, something to be admired from afar. Yet at a certain point, little by little this distance is shortened, and upon a closer look, you gaze upon this thing or place in a surprisingly intimate sense. 

The urge to make contact.

The female figure as represented is often a vessel for conventional notions and experiences of fantasy, becoming an illustration of this journey.

… After a lengthy hesitation on the border, one day this woman will suddenly make her move, crossing to the other side. At the end of the brush is the entrance. Finally, she will pass into the realm of self-discovery. 

It is the human spirit that uncovers the sacred in nature. Within this self-reflexivity, her botanical world is in a state of constant flux. In our modern society, increasingly far from the natural world, where does the sacred reside? The extraordinary appears in the everyday: where might have our past ancestors experienced such a moment? 

In this exhibition, in aiming to “stage” the set pieces of her self-imagined journeys, Hasegawa will consider the botanical garden as a sort of “constructed” form of nature. Inside this enclosed natural paradise, with a completely liberated perspective, the act of painting itself ought to be a sort of irradiation, or hyper-exposure. But we can’t be too confident. We could always encounter the “place” once more. 

Michiko Haga (art mediator)

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BLACKBOOK (「しんらい」)


“しんらい”/ “SHINRAI~Trust”at Clear Viewing Space21 June, 2019 -ブツブツと独り言を言いながら1日の大半を寝て過ごすババァの名前はスリ、60歳。(自称)





BY我慢 太郎

Artist Statement:Sleeping and mumbling through the day,The old lady is named Suri, 60 years old (she tells me).

I don't know much except that she lives on the banks of the Tama River;What you would call homeless.

But I am struck by her presence.For the past five years, we've been periodically interacting.

Now, compiling all the photos I have taken of her,I share her smiling face;Though there is a distance I can’tquite put my finger on.

The old lady was the one who chose this exhibition title, “Shinrai” (roughly trans.“trust”),And her unique sensibility shines through this unexpected word choice, too.

Special Event: BAR BABAR with 我慢 太郎 (BLACKBOOK) on

Saturday July 13, 6pm-9pm